The Siberian husky [1] (also known as Siberian Husky) is a dog belonging to a working breed originated in eastern Siberia. This race presents a marked resemblance to the wolf. Medium sized, can weigh between 16 to 27 kilos and measuring 51 to 60 inches high. Originally bred by the Chukchi tribe, which was used as a companion dog, to herd the deer, pull sleds and children keep warm and at present is in very different areas of the world. They were taken to Alaska since 1908 and continuously for two decades due to the gold rush. Were used to pull sleds, and especially for the All-Alaska Sweepstakes race, which included 657 km from Nome to Candle and back. Smaller, faster and more resistant to common dogs (45 to 54kg) widely used, the Siberian immediately dominated the race. At that time they were born females were sacrificed at birth, and only managed to survive those who had a great vitality, as they were used for breeding. Males who were born also had to pass an aptitude test, running the same fate as the females, since the Chukchi were very strict. The elect, however, were treated exceptionally, with the best care and best alimentación.5454 Characteristics [edit] Dog is a large (but smaller than a Alaskan Malamute) used to live in the snow. It can drastically change its coat according to where you live, because you can change from short to shorter hair. The Siberian husky can have these colors: red, brown, light brown, blond, white, gray and black, the latter two being more common in females. It has much denser fur g fat than other breeds of dogs because of their origin. sex height weight lifetime Males from 53.5 to 60 cm. 20.5 to 28 kg 10 to 12 years Bitches 50.5 to 56 cm. 15.5 to 23 kg from 12 to 14 Temperament They are very hardy animals and sociable, have short legs in proportion to their body. The Siberian husky is a dog is very attentive and helpful as always willing to please his master, and although they are accustomed to living in packs, they develop with the owner or the family with whom they live. So the owner of a Husky must have enough character to dominate the dog, while giving the love enough to win their respect. While on the other hand is also a little stubborn, a little proud and quite independent. It is a sturdy dog and has an uncanny resemblance to the gray wolf. His bark, unlike other dogs that are often loud and annoying, is coarse and short, is a dog who rarely barks or bites, but preserved a large intimidation. It shows a great happiness in being in a pack and an alpha male always prevails, even if only in the case of two dogs, one of the two prove to be dominant. It is not advisable to live in solitude since they need a lot of affection, is the race with more loss records. When dogs with great endurance, can travel long miles, making it difficult to find in case of loss, so it is not advisable to let the husky run unattended. Care Tips Former members When the dog is standing and viewed from the front, the legs are moderately spaced, parallel and straight. Bone is substantial but never heavy. The limb length from elbow to ground is slightly greater than the distance from the elbow to the tip of the cross. The spurs on the forelegs may be removed. Shoulders and arms. Scapula is well laid back. The upper arm angles slightly backward from point of shoulder to the elbow and is never perpendicular to the ground. The muscles and ligaments holding the shoulder to the rib cage are firm and well developed. Elbows. Close to the body and turning neither in nor out. Carpal joint. Strong, but flexible. Metacarpals. Viewed from the side are slightly slanted. Hindquarters When the dog is standing and viewed from behind, the hind legs are moderately spaced and parallel. If present, dewclaws should be removed. Thigh. Well muscled and powerful. Knee. Well bent. Hock. Well defined and set low to the ground. Feet Oval, but not long. They are medium sized, compact and well furred between the toes and pads. These are tough and well cushioned. When the dog natural stance, feet neither turn in nor out. Body Eyes close and strong, but too wide. Chicken ribs. Back of medium altitude. Eyes They can have brown eyes, light brown, blue and sometimes even white. A characteristic of the breed are blue eyes, but not quite dominant